SCA (WA) Strata Owners Information
SCA (WA) is about bringing together professionals who understand the complex laws that govern strata/survey/strata property, with the people who live and work in strata communities. It also provides education, accreditation, advice, and advocacy to enable greater understanding of the legislative environment and individuals’ rights and obligations
The SCA business directory is a database of suppliers offering goods and services to strata managers, owners, and residents in Australia. It contains a list of businesses providing relevant products such as strata management, building maintenance, cleaning, insurance, and legal services.
SCA (WA) Owner Subscription
SCA (WA) provides a subscription for owners and stakeholders within the strata sector in Western Australia. This is a FREE subscription to receive newsletters, information, invitations to education events and fact sheets specifically for strata owners.
Best Practice Guides
SCA (WA) is developing a range of best practice guides to assist owners with managing their strata properties. We will continue to update and add to these resources.
If there is a particular issue you would like to have us develop a guide on, please email us at admin.wa@strata.community.
Strata Owner Articles
SCA (WA) is continually writing and developing articles of relevance for those who work, own and live in strata in Western Australia. Check out the following links for articles of interest or browse our News page for other articles of interest on a range of topics from SCA (WA) and others relevant to strata living.
If there is a particular issue you would like to have us write an article on, please email us at admin.wa@strata.community.